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빅토빌, 빅터빌, 빅토밸리, 빅터밸리, 하이데저트, 교회, 복음, 믿음, 소망, 사랑, 십자가, 목사, 김성일, 애플밸리, 헤스페리아, 히스페리아, 필랜, 필란, 필렌, 학교, 코로나, 코비드, 캘리포니아, 샌버나디노, 카운티, 산불, 폭염, 건강, 취업, 빅토벨리, 빅터벨리, 은행, 호텔, 모텔, 여행, 교단, 장로교회, 장로, 집사, 권사, 새신자, victorville, Hesperia, Apple Valley, Victor Valley, High Desert, Church, School, Covid, Corona, Virus, Pastor, Phelan, San Bernardino, County, Godspel, Korean Church, 한인교회, 한인, 영생, 구원, 부활, Adelanto, College, Youth, Group, Activity, Korean, 미국, 영광, 승리, 평화, 평강, 제일, 중앙, 예수, 마음, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Jesus Christ, Presbyterian Church
  • 243
  "He who walks with wise men will be wise."
  (Proverbs 13:20)

  There are certain people  who stir up the fire within you  to be ALL you can
be for God.   Find them and feed from them.  When  you have little or no water
in your own well, you draw it  from theirs!  Some things can be taught.  Other
things must be caught!
  At thirteen I knew I was called  of God.  The problem was that I didn't know
how to pursue or develop my  calling.  Then God put some wonderful people into
my life.   My heart burned as I  listened to them preach; I  longed to do what
they were  doing.   I did  whatever it  took to  spend time  with them.   They
moulded the early years of my life and ministry.
  You must have a foundation - and you can't build it yourself!
  Seeing God bless  someone else can increase your desire  to reach higher.  I
don't mean envy - just a strong desire to receive more.
  Look at Hannah, Elkanah's  wife.  She wanted a child.   In order to stir her
up,  God used  Peninnah who  was married  to the  same man,  but able  to bear
children.    The more Hannah saw Peninnah have  children, the more she desired
her own.  Peninnah  provoked her!  She even made Hannah  pray.  It wasn't that
Hannah was jealous  and didn't want to see Peninnah  blessed, it was just that
she wanted  her OWN  blessing!   If seeing  others blessed  makes you  want to
sabotage their success,  then you'll never be fruitful!   Learn how to rejoice
over the blessings  of others and realise  that the same God  who blessed them
can bless YOU  too.  Let their  blessings challenge you today  to reach higher
today.  That's God's word to you!

태그 목록
빅토빌, 빅터빌, 빅토밸리, 빅터밸리, 하이데저트, 샌버나디노, 리버사이드, 캘리포니아, 애플밸리, 헤스페리아, 필랜, 필란, 필렌, 아델란토, 헬렌데일, 바스토, 피논힐스, 라이트우드, 루선밸리, 옥힐, 오로그란데, 교역자, 한인회, 부동산, 학군, school, hotel, 식당, restaurant, sushi, Victorvalley, Victo Valley, Seminary, Semitary, 구원, 복음, 생명, 천국, 사랑, 소망, 믿음, 장로교회, 선교교회, 연합교회, 목사회, 교회협의회, 신학교, 호텔, 경제, 정치, 남가주, 미주, 카운티, county, community, presbyterian church, Victorville, Apple Valley, Hesperia, Phelan, Adelanto, Helendale, Barstow, Pinon Hills, Wrightwood, Lucern Valley, Oak Hills, Oro Grande Korean American Church 한인 교회, 다민족 교회, 개혁 신학 생활 연구소, 한인 목회자 사역회 예수 마음 세계 선교회, SDT 선교회, 신속 정확 편리 정보 방송국, 예수마음 출판사, 한인 교회 연합, 예수마음 성경 대학, 예수마음 교회 그룹, 김성일목사, 김성일 목사, California, San Bernardino, Riverside, Gospel, Faith, Love, Life, pastor, Salvation, heaven, Mission, Southern California Nevada, Las Vegas, 라스베가스, 라스베이거스