Isaac Ambrose
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Isaac Ambrose
Prima First Things; The Doctrine of Regeneration, New Birth... (1737)
The Life of Mr. Isaac Ambrose
The Doctrine of Regeneration
Directions to a Man in the Act of the New Birth
The Practice of Sanctification
Of Self-Denial
Of the Life of Faith
Of Family Duties
Looking Unto to Jesus inHis Death
Looking Unto to Jesus the Beginner and Finisher of Our Faith
Looking Unto Jesus from the Creation until His First Coming
Looking Unto Jesus in His Birth
Looking unto Jesus, as carrying on the great work of man's salvation, or A view of the everlasting Gospel (1815)
Works of Isaac Ambrose vol 1 of 2(24 MB)
The Life of Mr. Isaac Ambrose; he Doctrine of Regeneration; irections to a Man in the Act of the New Birth; he Practice of Sanctification; f Self-Denial;Of the Life of Faith;Of Family Duties;Looking Unto to Jesus inHis Death;Looking Unto to Jesus the Beginner and Finisher of Our Faith;Looking Unto Jesus from the Creation until His First Coming
Works vol 2 of 2(20.9 MB)
Looking Unto Jesus in His Birth Continued;Looking Unto Jesus inHis Life,His Resurrection,His Ascension,His Session,The Mission of the Spirit,His Intercession, andHis Second Coming,The Ministration of, and Communion with Angels
War with Devils: Ministration Of, and Communion with Angels(21.5 MB)