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Black horn chronicles 6 Mecha Sonic 300’s revenge

Chapter 1 rise of the metals. After scratch’s submarine fell into the darkest depths of the ocean. Mecha Sonic 300 was picked up by a mechanical claw. The mechanical claw sent him to scratch’s fortress. Then Mecha Sonic 300 woke up from his eternal slumber. He saw black horn himself. Then black horn said: “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my robotic friend. How is scratch?” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Scratch’s submarine has sunk into the ocean.” Black horn replied: “Hmm, I see. Very well then, scratch is of no use to me anymore. This might be your time to shine, my mechanical friend.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Thank you, master.” Then black horn ordered Mecha Sonic 300 to find and destroy me (TK) but I was relaxing in the sun. Then Mecha Sonic 300 summoned a robotic army. Then black horn said: “Failure disgusts me.” After Mecha Sonic 300 was sent on his very first mission. I was hiding inside of scratch’s fortress. I said to myself: “So scratch failed to capture and exterminate me. Now black horn is sending a robotic hedgehog after me?! This is going to be fun.” I activated my invisibility suit. While I saw Mecha Sonic 300 walk by. Then Mecha Sonic 300 scanned the area. Then he said: “Searching for intruders.” After he scanned the area and didn’t find anyone. He proceeded to his mission. Then I made a silent phew of relief. Because if my invisibility wasn’t activated he would have seen me and tried to destroy me. I slithered silently towards black horn’s control room. But it was locked. Then Mecha Sonic 300 heard a noise. Then he turned around. But I ran from his sight. Then I hid. Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Scanning, scanning. Primary targets not found. Proceed on with assigned mission.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 used his jetpack to continue on with his mission. I whispered to myself: “I need to be more careful. He’s a lot smarter and trickier to outsmart then scratch. I have to grab black horn’s golden scepter without getting spotted. Because if I get caught. Then its game over.” I walked very quietly towards black horn’s throne. But then Mecha Sonic 300 took out a mysterious remote from his left pocket. He pressed the red button. Suddenly all of the security cameras were active. I grabbed the scepter. But one of the security cameras spotted me. Then I whispered: “Rats.” Then the alarm went off. A robotic voice said: “Warning, warning. Intruder detected. Beginning complete destruction of intruder.” Then the security cameras started firing lasers at me. But I dodged the lasers. Mecha Sonic 300 also sent in his entire army of guard bots and fluffy borgs. Black horn woke up. Then black horn turned his throne around. Black horn said: “Well, well, well. If it isn’t TK, my greatest arch nemesis.” Then I replied: “You really are tricky, aren’t you?!” Then I ran from black horn’s fortress. But it was like a maze. There are so many traps, enemies, buzz saws, etc. I avoided all of them. Then Mecha Sonic 300 took out 2 missile launchers. Then he said: “Primary target identified, launching all weapons at once.” Mecha Sonic 300 fired everything in his arsenal at me. I was avoiding missiles, lasers, bullets, buzz saws, fire, etc. Then I escaped from black horn’s fortress in one piece. Then black horn yelled: “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE, GET HIM!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 did as he was told. He was using a jetpack to go after me. I couldn’t outrun him. This robotic hedgehog was a lot faster and a lot more dangerous than scratch or any other villain I’ve encountered.

Chapter 2 which is worst: the metal or the peanut? While I was running from Mecha Sonic 300. I ran into a dead end. I was on the edge of a very steep cliff. I was trying to keep my balance. Then I started panting from running. Until Mecha Sonic 300 just flew in out of nowhere. Then I said: “This android is relentless!!” Mecha Sonic replied menacingly: “Primary target, exhausted. Launching heat seeking missile at target.” I drank some water. Suddenly I had an idea. Then I threw the water bottle at Mecha Sonic 300. Then he started malfunctioning. His system began to rust. His entire body also began to rust. Then he became a reddish, rusted hedgehog. He fell down into the sea. But he wasn’t done yet. You thought the water sent Mecha Sonic 300 to his doom? Well you’re wrong. The water didn’t destroy him. It just stunned him for a few seconds for me to get away. Then Mecha Sonic 300’s rusted skin began to break. Now he’s a lot stronger and whole lot more dangerous than before. Then he came out of the water. He was furious. Then I yelled: “THIS GUY IS LIKE THE TERMINATOR!! NOTHING CAN STOP HIM!!” I ran further away from Mecha Sonic 300. Then Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Thanks for the shower, Now I’m going to destroy you!!” I dropped the water bottle then I ran from the android. Mecha Sonic 300 fired missiles at me. But I dodged them. I ran further and further away from the android. Mecha Sonic 300 was still behind me. Then I ran into fluffy’s headquarters. I started panting from all the running. Then fluffy asked: “TK, are you alright? Why are you panting heavily? Were you on a jog?” Then I replied: “You’ve got to help me, fluffy!! A robotic hedgehog wants to destroy me!!” Fluffy asked: “What robotic hedgehog?” Suddenly the door exploded into millions of pieces. Then I yelled: “THAT HEDGEHOG!!” Mecha Sonic 300 came inside of fluffy’s headquarters. Then fluffy yelled: “PROTECT, TK!!” Then fluffy’s friends started firing laser cannons at Mecha Sonic 300. Then roller threw a grenade at the robotic hedgehog. Then the grenade exploded. Then fluffy saw was just a pile of smoke. Suddenly Mecha Sonic 300 just walked out of the smoke without a single scrape or any laser marks on him. Then Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Did you really think a bunch of weapons and grenades could stop me?!” Fluffy asked: “How is this even possible?! Our weapons were supposed to destroy any androids!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy. Did you honestly believe that an onslaught of bullets, lasers, grenades, and missiles would harm me?! Now let me show you mine!! Activating all weapons in database.” Suddenly all of Mecha Sonic 300 pulled out a gigantic arsenal of weapons. Then fluffy and his friends said: “Run, RUN!!” All of Mecha Sonic 300’s weapons fired all at once. Suddenly Mecha Sonic heard a very familiar voice in the distance. The voice yelled: “HEY, MECHA SONIC 300!! YOU MAY HAVE A MORE ADVANCED TECH OF WEAPONS!! BUT I HAVE SOMETHING THAT YOU DON’T!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 saw destructor, his greatest arch nemesis. Then destructor said: “Don’t you remember me?! the villain that destroyed you in the fifth novel?!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 had a flashback on how he was defeated. Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “You’re going to pay for that!!” Destructor said: “I see you do remember me!! Well now I’m going to finish you off!! Then Mecha Sonic 300 fired everything in his arsenal at destructor. But destructor was too fast for him. Mecha Sonic 300 used his laser cannon to defeat destructor. But destructor dodged the laser. Then destructor threw remote controlled grenades at Mecha Sonic 300. Destructor pressed the button on the remote. The grenades exploded. Mecha Sonic 300 fell into the ground. But he got back up. Then destructor and Mecha Sonic 300 started panting heavily. Destructor growled: “I defeated you once before. I can do it again!!

Chapter 3 the ultimate showdown. Then Mecha Sonic 300 growled: “You may have defeated me in the past. But now it’s the END FOR YOU!!” Destructor roared: “THIS BATTLE WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY!! NOW FIGHT ME YOU ROBOTIC NEEDLE MOUSE!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 roared in rage: “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!” Then destructor yelled back: “YOU HEARD ME, NEEDLE MOUSE!!” Mecha Sonic 300 became furious. Then he transformed into Mecha Overlord. Destructor also began to transform. Destructor transformed into a robotic, ten headed, golden, fire breathing dragon. Then I yelled: “NOW THIS BATTLE IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!” I watched the two titans fight. Then I saw Mecha Overlord say to Mega Destructor: “Let’s fight in the city!!” Then mega destructor agreed. They fought in the city. Mega destructor picked up a building then he started using it like a baseball bat. He hit Mecha Overlord in the face. Then Mecha Overlord spat out a metal gear. Then he yelled: “YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!” Then Mecha Overlord charge tackled at mega destructor. They were both hitting buildings and crushing cars with their gigantic feet. Then mega destructor yelled: “GIVE UP YET, BLUE RAT?!” Then Mecha Overlord became extremely furious. He yelled: “NOW YOU’VE REALLY MADE ME MAD!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 head butted Mega destructor in the chest. Then I yelled: “COME ON DESTRUCTOR, YOU CAN BEAT HIM!!” But then I heard scratch yell: “MECHA OVERLORD, TURN DESTRUCTOR INTO SCRAP METAL!!” The two titans fought relentlessly. Me and scratch were cheering on the two sides. I was cheering on destructor’s side while scratch was cheering on Mecha Sonic 300’s side. Mecha Overlord was completely unstoppable. But then uncle 0 said: “It appears that both of the two beasts are fighting like always.” Then I asked: “Uncle 0, what are you doing here?!” Then uncle 0 replied: “I came to watch the two titans battle.” Then Mecha Overlord fired his laser at Mega Destructor. Then I said: “Uh oh, Destructor’s getting weaker. He might need some help!!” Then my Gigan mech suit was ready. I entered inside the cockpit to join the battle of the kaijus. I ran towards Mecha Overlord to destroy him. But I was attacked by a familiar animatronic. It was giant Drawkill foxy that stopped me. Then I looked on top of him. Then I saw Springtrap. Then uncle 0 asked: “SPRINGTRAP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Then Springtrap replied: “You guys can’t start the fight without me!!” Then uncle 0 jumped onto giant Drawkill Foxy’s leg. Springtrap yelled: “YOU LITTLE PARASITE, GET OFF MY ANIMATRONIC!!” Then Springtrap pressed a button that activated the flame throwers on Drawkill Foxy’s back. The flame throwers burned uncle 0 to a crisp. But it didn’t seem to harm him. Then uncle 0 replied: “It’s going to take more than a little fire to get rid of me!!” Then Springtrap growled. Uncle 0 and I fought bravely against all of our greatest villains from all the novels. Here are all of our enemies: Scratch the death wolf from the first and second novels, Destructor from the third novel, Springtrap, and his Drawkill cohorts from the fourth and doctor clown and claw 3000 from the fifth novel. All of our greatest villains in the sixth novel are fighting for world domination. But I wasn’t going to let any of my enemies rule. I took out multiple daggers from my left and right pockets. Then I charged full force at Springtrap. But then Springtrap said: “Drawkill foxy, exterminate this pest!!” Drawkill foxy did as he was told. He charged at me with his extremely fast speed. Then he threw his hook at me like a boomerang. But I dodged the boomerang matrix style. Then the Drawkill Foxy’s hook returned to him. Then I threw a very mysterious dagger at Drawkill Foxy. Then Drawkill Foxy fell down. He was injured by my mysterious dagger. Then I started chuckling: “You really want to know why this dagger injured your robotic endoskeleton? It’s because this dagger is filled with metal poison.”

Chapter 4 the battle continues. Then I asked: “So are you ready to give up, Drawkill foxy?” Then I yelled: “VERY WELL!!” I charged at him full force. I threw my daggers at him. I yelled: “POISON DARTS!!” The daggers were filled with metal poison. Drawkill Foxy tried to block the daggers. But the daggers went right through his hook. And the dagger made Drawkill Foxy explode into millions of pieces. Then I shook my head in disappointment. But then Springtrap called in Drawkill Bonnie to destroy me. Drawkill Bonnie tried to punch me with his iron hands. But I dodged them. But Drawkill Bonnie wasn’t alone. The Afton machines arrived and started firing everything they have at me. But I dodged the bullets and missiles. Then I threw more daggers at the Afton machines. After I fired the daggers at the Afton machines. The Afton Machines exploded in Michael Bay fashion.  I said: “Come on, guys!! You’ve got to do a lot harder than that!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “TK, I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU GET AWAY THAT EASILY!!” I escaped from Mecha Sonic 300 and his robotic cohorts. But Mecha Sonic 300 wasn’t my only problem. Destructor’s pet Tyrannosaurus Rex wanted to join in the action. Then I yelled: “SERIOUSLY?! FIRST WOLVES, THEN ROBOTS, AND NOW DINOSAURS?!” I ran extremely fast like a roadrunner. Then destructor said: “Sorry, TK, We may be friends, but we’re still enemies.” Then destructor started firing bullets at me. But I dodged the bullets. All of a sudden doctor clown and his big clown henchmen arrived to assist destructor. But I was too quick for any of Mecha Sonic 300’s henchmen. Then doctor clown yelled to Dess and Troy: “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE, GET HIM!!” Dess and Troy did as they were told. Then Mecha Sonic 300 yelled at doctor clown. He asked: “YOU LET THOSE BUMBLING IDIOTS ASSIST ME?!” Then doctor clown replied in rage: “WELL WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?! LET TK TURN YOU INTO SCRAP METAL?!” While doctor clown and Mecha Sonic 300 were arguing Dess and Troy were after me. Dess and Troy weren’t the brightest henchmen that doctor clown could’ve sent on a mission. Troy was using a flamethrower while Dess was using an axe. I dodged the axe that Dess was using and I dodged Troy’s flamethrower. Then Mecha Sonic 300 saw doctor clown drinking a cup of hot cocoa. Then Mecha Sonic 300 asked: “HEY, WHERE’S MY CUP OF HOT COCOA?!” Then doctor clown replied: “Go get one yourself, metal head.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 yelled: “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!” Then doctor clown said: “You heard me, you bucket of bolts!!” Suddenly Mecha Sonic 300 and Doctor Clown started punching and kicking each other in a fit of rage. Then black horn started shaking his head in disappointment. Black horn said to himself: “Why did I hire a bunch of idiots?!” Suddenly black horn yelled in rage: “WILL YOU TWO JUST STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER!! AND JUST COMPLETE YOUR OBJECTIVE BEFORE I DISMANTLE YOU AND SQUISH YOU LIKE A BUG!! NOW STOP BICKERING AND START CHASING!!” Mecha Sonic 300 and doctor clown did as they were told. I was running from Mecha Sonic 300 and doctor clown. Black horn was getting very, very, very, very, VERY angry and annoyed. Then black x started putting a bag filled with ice on black horn’s head because he was furious. Black horn’s head almost burst into flames of anger and frustration. Then black x said to black horn: “Calm down black horn. Just calm down. They’ll get the job done, just relax in your bed and just think about all of the destruction.” Black horn took a deep breath and then he calmed down. There was steam coming out of black horn’s head. Then black x put a gummy worm inside of black horn’s mouth. Then black horn said: “Thank you, black x.” Black x replied: “Just doing my job, sir.” Then black horn chewed on the gummy worm then he swallowed the teeny tiny pieces of the candy.

Chapter 5 Claw 3000’s menacing return. After the argument between doctor clown and Mecha Sonic 300. Doctor clown saw some very familiar old robot parts. Then doctor clown had a flashback on what happened the last time doctor clown used the robotic claw. Doctor clown had an idea. He threw away all the old parts that he used for claw 3000. Instead he’s using new parts for his creation. He was rebuilding claw 3000 only this time he’s going to be making this mean machine a lot stronger, meaner, nastier, and ten times as destructive then before. After one hundred hours later. Claw 3000 was ready for more action and more destruction. But doctor clown’s robotic creation wasn’t the only one. There was a new creation that doctor clown built. He built a bigger, meaner, and destructive war machine. He created Mega Mosquidroid. Mega Mosquidroid was a bigger, meaner, and twice as destructive version of its miniature counterparts. Claw 3000 and Mega Mosquidroid were prepared for any attacks. Then doctor clown said to claw 3000: “Welcome back, old friend.” After I defeated Drawkill Foxy. I saw doctor clown’s old robot. Then doctor clown said to claw 3000: “Hey claw 3000, since we’re back to being a team like old times, exterminate that pest!!” Then claw 3000 attacked. But I dodged its attacks. Suddenly uncle 0 arrived out of nowhere. He punched claw 3000 in the face. But uncle 0 wasn’t the only one. Fluffy and his friends also arrived to assist me in battle. Then uncle 0 yelled: “HEY, METAL BOY!! CATCH!!” Uncle 0 took out a grenade out of his left pocket. Then he threw the grenade at Claw 3000. But it dodged the grenade. Then doctor clown cackled maniacally: “You can’t beat my latest creations, we’re unstoppable!!” Then I asked: “There has to be a way to defeat these mechanical monsters!!” Suddenly Mega Mosquidroid and Claw 3000 attacked. But I threw my poison darts at Claw 3000 while uncle 0 fired his bazooka at Mega Mosquidroid. But the robotic insect was too quick for uncle 0’s rockets to attack. Then I threw multiple daggers at Claw 3000. Suddenly doctor clown took out a remote from his left pocket, he pressed the button. Suddenly claw 3000 vanished. Then I asked: “WHAT?!” Claw 3000 attacked me from behind. But claw 3000 wasn’t alone. Drawkill Foxy and his Drawkill minions attacked me as well. But I was too quick for them. Doctor clown became very annoyed. Then he sent in his entire clown army to attack. But I defeated all of them with my daggers and bare hands. But scratch used all of his attacks to destroy me. But I was too quick for him. I dodged all of his attacks then I attacked him from behind. Suddenly Mecha Sonic 300 sent in his entire robotic army to attack. But I dodged their lasers and missiles. Then I took out more daggers and I threw them at the robotic army. The robots were exploding. Then I asked menacingly: “Anyone else?!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 yelled: “YOU’RE GOING TO REGRET THAT TK!! I’LL BE BACK!! ROBOTS, RETREAT!!” Then all of Mecha Sonic 300’s forces ran back to their headquarters. Then I yelled: “GET BACK HERE, YOU COWARDS!!” Then uncle 0 yelled: “YEAH, COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT!!” After Mecha Sonic 300’s forces ran back to black horn’s fortress to marshal their military forces. Then fluffy said: “They’re gone, TK and uncle 0. The battle’s over, for now.” Then roller said: “We may have won the first time, but next time Mecha Sonic 300 will be back only he’ll have an even bigger, stronger, and overpowered robotic army that we have never faced.” Fluffy and his friends had a point. The battle was just the beginning. Mecha Sonic 300 will return only he’ll have an even bigger army then before. We need to train hard. And once Mecha Sonic 300’s forces return. We’ll be ready for round 2. But until then we’ll have to return to fluffy city to marshal our forces. Because if Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to return. We’ll be ready for his army.


Chapter 6 Sharpening weapons. The sky was still black as night. The thunder and lightning stopped for now. I was sharpening my dagger, while uncle 0 was sitting by the fire trying to keep himself warm. Fluffy and his friends were toasting marshmallows by the fire. Then I asked uncle 0: “So, uncle 0. When do you think Mecha Sonic 300 will return?” Then uncle 0 replied: “I don’t know, TK. I don’t know.” I was still sharpening my dagger. I was looking out into the horizon. Mecha Sonic 300’s forces didn’t arrive. They were at their campsite waiting and creating more warriors for Mecha Sonic 300. I was still sharpening my dagger. Then I asked uncle 0 for some more gold shards. He gave them to me. Then I sprinkled the gold onto my dagger. Then I sharpened it again. Finally uncle 0 said: “That’s a mighty fine dagger, you’ve got there TK.” Then I replied: “Thanks uncle 0.” Then uncle 0 asked: “Where did you get it from?” Then I replied: “Fluffy Master gave me this dagger.” I continued sprinkling more gold onto my dagger. Then I continued sharpening it. Then I accidently cut myself on the finger. Then I said: “Ouch.” Uncle 0 saw my finger. Blood was coming out of the wound. Then Diane said: “Here, let me put a band aid on the wound. She tied the band aid on my finger. Then she added a very sticky liquid on the band aid. It was glowing yellow. Then I asked: “What did you put on my finger?” Diane replied: “Wasp yoke.” Then I asked: “Wasp yoke?” Diane replied: “Yes, you see TK, when I was just a kitten I would go into the dark forest. My parents taught me how to grab wasp yoke from the trees. When I accidently had a bruise on my leg, she put the Band aid on my leg first and then she added this extremely sticky liquid on the Band aid. She collected the liquid from the wasps’ tree. The liquid didn’t hurt at all. It felt very relaxing and smooth like gold. And then my leg immediately felt better. The liquid didn’t sting me, it just felt smooth like a pearl.” Then fluffy said: “Uh, guys. I think we should probably keep moving.” Then roller asked: “Why fluffy?” Then fluffy replied: “Scratch’s posse will be here any minute now. We have to keep moving.” Then I agreed: “Good idea.” And so fluffy, uncle 0, and his friends and I continued moving. Because if scratch’s posse were coming to the dark forest then we’re done for. Then we ran from the dark forest. Then scratch arrived. Then scratch started sniffing the ground. Then he said: “TK and his friends were in the forest, alright.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Excellent work, scratch. Now we can finally finish them off!!” But scratch and his entire posse were on the hunt. Scratch said: “TK and his friends were in the forest alright, I can smell them.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Lead us to TK, scratch. So my entire army can destroy him once and for all!!” Scratch replied: “As you wish, Mecha Sonic 300.” Scratch’s posse were approaching and they will complete their objectives. Mecha Sonic 300 came after me, uncle 0, fluffy, and his friends. Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to destroy me permanently. But I wasn’t going to let him destroy me so easily. Me and my friends ran further and further away from Mecha Sonic 300’s army. After I ran from Mecha Sonic 300’s army. Me and my friends ran further and further away from Mecha Sonic 300’s military force. Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to make Black horn proud of him. Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to destroy me because I was the once that defeated him once before. And he wanted to defeat uncle 0 and my other friends as well. I didn’t want Mecha Sonic 300 to destroy me and my friends with his entire robotic army. Black horn assigned him to destroy me and my friends so that black horn would be completely unstoppable. And after I’m out of the picture. Mecha Sonic 300 can finally become to ultimate warrior to rule the known galaxy.


Chapter 7 the final battle. After I escaped from the dark forest. I was ambushed by Mecha Sonic 300’s forces. They all wanted to destroy me because I defeated Mecha Sonic 300 in the past and now he wanted revenge. Then I took out a light saber out of my left pocket. Then Mecha Sonic 300 took out something from his left pocket. He took out a very familiar ruby. Then I realized that it was the phantom ruby. He put the phantom ruby on his chest. Then Mecha Sonic 300 transformed into a giant sized, purplish, mechanical monster once again. Only this time scratch and Mecha Overlord merged into one. They became Mecha Chronicle 500. Mecha Chronicle 500 was an unstoppable monster and he wanted to destroy me once and for all so he could finally take over the galaxy. Then me, uncle 0, fluffy, and his friends united as one in order to defeat Mecha Chronicle 500. Mecha Chronicle 500 said: “You may have defeated me in the past. NOW ITS TIME FOR A REMATCH!!” Then I transformed into the golden warrior. Then I fought against the giant mechanical monster. Then I yelled: “I DEFEATED YOU ONCE BEFORE, I CAN DO IT AGAIN!!” Then I charged at him full force. But Mecha Chronicle 500 was a lot stronger and faster than me.  There was no way I could defeat him. He was so powerful and destructive that I could never defeat him. Then Mecha Chronicle 500 roared in rage. Then I noticed the phantom ruby on Mecha Chronicle 500’s chest. Then I said to myself: “So that’s the item that he’s using to defeat me.” Then I fought against Mecha Chronicle 500. But he was way too strong for me to defeat. He was using all of the powers from the phantom ruby. He froze time. Then he punched me while I was frozen solid. I hit a building. Mecha Chronicle 500 was way more dangerous than any other monster I have ever faced. Then uncle 0 said: “So it’s a fusion of scratch the death wolf and Mecha Sonic 300. Time for me to join in on the action!!” Then all of my friends arrived to face the monster. Then destructor arrived. Then he yelled: “YOU AGAIN?! WELL TIME TO FINISH YOU OFF, YOU METAL MONSTER!!” Then destructor fired missiles at Mecha Chronicle 500 multiple times. Then I attacked Mecha Chronicle 500 in the face. But he was too strong for me to defeat. Then I fired missiles at him. But he was shielded on all sides. Then I asked: “Seriously destructor?! Whose side are you on?!” Then destructor replied: “Remember the promise I gave to you, we’ll always be enemies till the very end.” Then I asked: “Are you ready, destructor?!” Then destructor replied: “I’m always ready for a monster brawl!!” Then destructor’s pet Tyrannosaurus Rex arrived. Except the dinosaur can fire lasers out of his mouth. Then I yelled: “GIVE HIM ALL YOU’VE GOT!!” We all continued firing everything at the monster. We were firing missiles, lasers, cannonballs, energy spheres, etc. The monster was completely unstoppable. We fought against the monster for ages. The battle lasted for eons. Then destructor and uncle 0 yelled: “NOW, TK!!” Then I yelled: “OKAY!!” Then I transformed into a golden dragon to finish off the monster. Then I yelled: “YOU’RE REIGN OF METAL MONSTERS ARE OVER, MECHA CHRONICLE 500!! NOW ITS TIME FOR YOU TO BE DESTROYED!!” Then I unleashed the final blow. I was yelling: “I WILL PROTECT THIS WORLD!!” Suddenly Mecha Chronicle 500 roared. Then I entered his stomach. Suddenly I destroyed scratch and Mecha Chronicle 500. Then Mecha Chronicle 500 yelled: “NO!! NO!! NO!! NOOOOOOOOO!!” Then he exploded into millions of pieces. I won the battle. Mecha Sonic 300’s reign of robotic armies has finally come to an end. The End!! Or is it?!

Black horn chronicles 6 Mecha Sonic 300’s revenge
Uncle 0 vs. series brief history
E.X.E's Revenge Plot
Black horn file
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Black horn chronicles 6 Mecha Sonic 300’s revenge

Chapter 1 rise of the metals. After scratch’s submarine fell into the darkest depths of the ocean. Mecha Sonic 300 was picked up by a mechanical claw. The mechanical claw sent him to scratch’s fortress. Then Mecha Sonic 300 woke up from his eternal slumber. He saw black horn himself. Then black horn said: “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my robotic friend. How is scratch?” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Scratch’s submarine has sunk into the ocean.” Black horn replied: “Hmm, I see. Very well then, scratch is of no use to me anymore. This might be your time to shine, my mechanical friend.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Thank you, master.” Then black horn ordered Mecha Sonic 300 to find and destroy me (TK) but I was relaxing in the sun. Then Mecha Sonic 300 summoned a robotic army. Then black horn said: “Failure disgusts me.” After Mecha Sonic 300 was sent on his very first mission. I was hiding inside of scratch’s fortress. I said to myself: “So scratch failed to capture and exterminate me. Now black horn is sending a robotic hedgehog after me?! This is going to be fun.” I activated my invisibility suit. While I saw Mecha Sonic 300 walk by. Then Mecha Sonic 300 scanned the area. Then he said: “Searching for intruders.” After he scanned the area and didn’t find anyone. He proceeded to his mission. Then I made a silent phew of relief. Because if my invisibility wasn’t activated he would have seen me and tried to destroy me. I slithered silently towards black horn’s control room. But it was locked. Then Mecha Sonic 300 heard a noise. Then he turned around. But I ran from his sight. Then I hid. Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Scanning, scanning. Primary targets not found. Proceed on with assigned mission.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 used his jetpack to continue on with his mission. I whispered to myself: “I need to be more careful. He’s a lot smarter and trickier to outsmart then scratch. I have to grab black horn’s golden scepter without getting spotted. Because if I get caught. Then its game over.” I walked very quietly towards black horn’s throne. But then Mecha Sonic 300 took out a mysterious remote from his left pocket. He pressed the red button. Suddenly all of the security cameras were active. I grabbed the scepter. But one of the security cameras spotted me. Then I whispered: “Rats.” Then the alarm went off. A robotic voice said: “Warning, warning. Intruder detected. Beginning complete destruction of intruder.” Then the security cameras started firing lasers at me. But I dodged the lasers. Mecha Sonic 300 also sent in his entire army of guard bots and fluffy borgs. Black horn woke up. Then black horn turned his throne around. Black horn said: “Well, well, well. If it isn’t TK, my greatest arch nemesis.” Then I replied: “You really are tricky, aren’t you?!” Then I ran from black horn’s fortress. But it was like a maze. There are so many traps, enemies, buzz saws, etc. I avoided all of them. Then Mecha Sonic 300 took out 2 missile launchers. Then he said: “Primary target identified, launching all weapons at once.” Mecha Sonic 300 fired everything in his arsenal at me. I was avoiding missiles, lasers, bullets, buzz saws, fire, etc. Then I escaped from black horn’s fortress in one piece. Then black horn yelled: “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE, GET HIM!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 did as he was told. He was using a jetpack to go after me. I couldn’t outrun him. This robotic hedgehog was a lot faster and a lot more dangerous than scratch or any other villain I’ve encountered.

Chapter 2 which is worst: the metal or the peanut? While I was running from Mecha Sonic 300. I ran into a dead end. I was on the edge of a very steep cliff. I was trying to keep my balance. Then I started panting from running. Until Mecha Sonic 300 just flew in out of nowhere. Then I said: “This android is relentless!!” Mecha Sonic replied menacingly: “Primary target, exhausted. Launching heat seeking missile at target.” I drank some water. Suddenly I had an idea. Then I threw the water bottle at Mecha Sonic 300. Then he started malfunctioning. His system began to rust. His entire body also began to rust. Then he became a reddish, rusted hedgehog. He fell down into the sea. But he wasn’t done yet. You thought the water sent Mecha Sonic 300 to his doom? Well you’re wrong. The water didn’t destroy him. It just stunned him for a few seconds for me to get away. Then Mecha Sonic 300’s rusted skin began to break. Now he’s a lot stronger and whole lot more dangerous than before. Then he came out of the water. He was furious. Then I yelled: “THIS GUY IS LIKE THE TERMINATOR!! NOTHING CAN STOP HIM!!” I ran further away from Mecha Sonic 300. Then Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Thanks for the shower, Now I’m going to destroy you!!” I dropped the water bottle then I ran from the android. Mecha Sonic 300 fired missiles at me. But I dodged them. I ran further and further away from the android. Mecha Sonic 300 was still behind me. Then I ran into fluffy’s headquarters. I started panting from all the running. Then fluffy asked: “TK, are you alright? Why are you panting heavily? Were you on a jog?” Then I replied: “You’ve got to help me, fluffy!! A robotic hedgehog wants to destroy me!!” Fluffy asked: “What robotic hedgehog?” Suddenly the door exploded into millions of pieces. Then I yelled: “THAT HEDGEHOG!!” Mecha Sonic 300 came inside of fluffy’s headquarters. Then fluffy yelled: “PROTECT, TK!!” Then fluffy’s friends started firing laser cannons at Mecha Sonic 300. Then roller threw a grenade at the robotic hedgehog. Then the grenade exploded. Then fluffy saw was just a pile of smoke. Suddenly Mecha Sonic 300 just walked out of the smoke without a single scrape or any laser marks on him. Then Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Did you really think a bunch of weapons and grenades could stop me?!” Fluffy asked: “How is this even possible?! Our weapons were supposed to destroy any androids!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy. Did you honestly believe that an onslaught of bullets, lasers, grenades, and missiles would harm me?! Now let me show you mine!! Activating all weapons in database.” Suddenly all of Mecha Sonic 300 pulled out a gigantic arsenal of weapons. Then fluffy and his friends said: “Run, RUN!!” All of Mecha Sonic 300’s weapons fired all at once. Suddenly Mecha Sonic heard a very familiar voice in the distance. The voice yelled: “HEY, MECHA SONIC 300!! YOU MAY HAVE A MORE ADVANCED TECH OF WEAPONS!! BUT I HAVE SOMETHING THAT YOU DON’T!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 saw destructor, his greatest arch nemesis. Then destructor said: “Don’t you remember me?! the villain that destroyed you in the fifth novel?!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 had a flashback on how he was defeated. Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “You’re going to pay for that!!” Destructor said: “I see you do remember me!! Well now I’m going to finish you off!! Then Mecha Sonic 300 fired everything in his arsenal at destructor. But destructor was too fast for him. Mecha Sonic 300 used his laser cannon to defeat destructor. But destructor dodged the laser. Then destructor threw remote controlled grenades at Mecha Sonic 300. Destructor pressed the button on the remote. The grenades exploded. Mecha Sonic 300 fell into the ground. But he got back up. Then destructor and Mecha Sonic 300 started panting heavily. Destructor growled: “I defeated you once before. I can do it again!!

Chapter 3 the ultimate showdown. Then Mecha Sonic 300 growled: “You may have defeated me in the past. But now it’s the END FOR YOU!!” Destructor roared: “THIS BATTLE WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY!! NOW FIGHT ME YOU ROBOTIC NEEDLE MOUSE!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 roared in rage: “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!” Then destructor yelled back: “YOU HEARD ME, NEEDLE MOUSE!!” Mecha Sonic 300 became furious. Then he transformed into Mecha Overlord. Destructor also began to transform. Destructor transformed into a robotic, ten headed, golden, fire breathing dragon. Then I yelled: “NOW THIS BATTLE IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!” I watched the two titans fight. Then I saw Mecha Overlord say to Mega Destructor: “Let’s fight in the city!!” Then mega destructor agreed. They fought in the city. Mega destructor picked up a building then he started using it like a baseball bat. He hit Mecha Overlord in the face. Then Mecha Overlord spat out a metal gear. Then he yelled: “YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!” Then Mecha Overlord charge tackled at mega destructor. They were both hitting buildings and crushing cars with their gigantic feet. Then mega destructor yelled: “GIVE UP YET, BLUE RAT?!” Then Mecha Overlord became extremely furious. He yelled: “NOW YOU’VE REALLY MADE ME MAD!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 head butted Mega destructor in the chest. Then I yelled: “COME ON DESTRUCTOR, YOU CAN BEAT HIM!!” But then I heard scratch yell: “MECHA OVERLORD, TURN DESTRUCTOR INTO SCRAP METAL!!” The two titans fought relentlessly. Me and scratch were cheering on the two sides. I was cheering on destructor’s side while scratch was cheering on Mecha Sonic 300’s side. Mecha Overlord was completely unstoppable. But then uncle 0 said: “It appears that both of the two beasts are fighting like always.” Then I asked: “Uncle 0, what are you doing here?!” Then uncle 0 replied: “I came to watch the two titans battle.” Then Mecha Overlord fired his laser at Mega Destructor. Then I said: “Uh oh, Destructor’s getting weaker. He might need some help!!” Then my Gigan mech suit was ready. I entered inside the cockpit to join the battle of the kaijus. I ran towards Mecha Overlord to destroy him. But I was attacked by a familiar animatronic. It was giant Drawkill foxy that stopped me. Then I looked on top of him. Then I saw Springtrap. Then uncle 0 asked: “SPRINGTRAP?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Then Springtrap replied: “You guys can’t start the fight without me!!” Then uncle 0 jumped onto giant Drawkill Foxy’s leg. Springtrap yelled: “YOU LITTLE PARASITE, GET OFF MY ANIMATRONIC!!” Then Springtrap pressed a button that activated the flame throwers on Drawkill Foxy’s back. The flame throwers burned uncle 0 to a crisp. But it didn’t seem to harm him. Then uncle 0 replied: “It’s going to take more than a little fire to get rid of me!!” Then Springtrap growled. Uncle 0 and I fought bravely against all of our greatest villains from all the novels. Here are all of our enemies: Scratch the death wolf from the first and second novels, Destructor from the third novel, Springtrap, and his Drawkill cohorts from the fourth and doctor clown and claw 3000 from the fifth novel. All of our greatest villains in the sixth novel are fighting for world domination. But I wasn’t going to let any of my enemies rule. I took out multiple daggers from my left and right pockets. Then I charged full force at Springtrap. But then Springtrap said: “Drawkill foxy, exterminate this pest!!” Drawkill foxy did as he was told. He charged at me with his extremely fast speed. Then he threw his hook at me like a boomerang. But I dodged the boomerang matrix style. Then the Drawkill Foxy’s hook returned to him. Then I threw a very mysterious dagger at Drawkill Foxy. Then Drawkill Foxy fell down. He was injured by my mysterious dagger. Then I started chuckling: “You really want to know why this dagger injured your robotic endoskeleton? It’s because this dagger is filled with metal poison.”

Chapter 4 the battle continues. Then I asked: “So are you ready to give up, Drawkill foxy?” Then I yelled: “VERY WELL!!” I charged at him full force. I threw my daggers at him. I yelled: “POISON DARTS!!” The daggers were filled with metal poison. Drawkill Foxy tried to block the daggers. But the daggers went right through his hook. And the dagger made Drawkill Foxy explode into millions of pieces. Then I shook my head in disappointment. But then Springtrap called in Drawkill Bonnie to destroy me. Drawkill Bonnie tried to punch me with his iron hands. But I dodged them. But Drawkill Bonnie wasn’t alone. The Afton machines arrived and started firing everything they have at me. But I dodged the bullets and missiles. Then I threw more daggers at the Afton machines. After I fired the daggers at the Afton machines. The Afton Machines exploded in Michael Bay fashion.  I said: “Come on, guys!! You’ve got to do a lot harder than that!!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “TK, I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU GET AWAY THAT EASILY!!” I escaped from Mecha Sonic 300 and his robotic cohorts. But Mecha Sonic 300 wasn’t my only problem. Destructor’s pet Tyrannosaurus Rex wanted to join in the action. Then I yelled: “SERIOUSLY?! FIRST WOLVES, THEN ROBOTS, AND NOW DINOSAURS?!” I ran extremely fast like a roadrunner. Then destructor said: “Sorry, TK, We may be friends, but we’re still enemies.” Then destructor started firing bullets at me. But I dodged the bullets. All of a sudden doctor clown and his big clown henchmen arrived to assist destructor. But I was too quick for any of Mecha Sonic 300’s henchmen. Then doctor clown yelled to Dess and Troy: “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE, GET HIM!!” Dess and Troy did as they were told. Then Mecha Sonic 300 yelled at doctor clown. He asked: “YOU LET THOSE BUMBLING IDIOTS ASSIST ME?!” Then doctor clown replied in rage: “WELL WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?! LET TK TURN YOU INTO SCRAP METAL?!” While doctor clown and Mecha Sonic 300 were arguing Dess and Troy were after me. Dess and Troy weren’t the brightest henchmen that doctor clown could’ve sent on a mission. Troy was using a flamethrower while Dess was using an axe. I dodged the axe that Dess was using and I dodged Troy’s flamethrower. Then Mecha Sonic 300 saw doctor clown drinking a cup of hot cocoa. Then Mecha Sonic 300 asked: “HEY, WHERE’S MY CUP OF HOT COCOA?!” Then doctor clown replied: “Go get one yourself, metal head.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 yelled: “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!” Then doctor clown said: “You heard me, you bucket of bolts!!” Suddenly Mecha Sonic 300 and Doctor Clown started punching and kicking each other in a fit of rage. Then black horn started shaking his head in disappointment. Black horn said to himself: “Why did I hire a bunch of idiots?!” Suddenly black horn yelled in rage: “WILL YOU TWO JUST STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER!! AND JUST COMPLETE YOUR OBJECTIVE BEFORE I DISMANTLE YOU AND SQUISH YOU LIKE A BUG!! NOW STOP BICKERING AND START CHASING!!” Mecha Sonic 300 and doctor clown did as they were told. I was running from Mecha Sonic 300 and doctor clown. Black horn was getting very, very, very, very, VERY angry and annoyed. Then black x started putting a bag filled with ice on black horn’s head because he was furious. Black horn’s head almost burst into flames of anger and frustration. Then black x said to black horn: “Calm down black horn. Just calm down. They’ll get the job done, just relax in your bed and just think about all of the destruction.” Black horn took a deep breath and then he calmed down. There was steam coming out of black horn’s head. Then black x put a gummy worm inside of black horn’s mouth. Then black horn said: “Thank you, black x.” Black x replied: “Just doing my job, sir.” Then black horn chewed on the gummy worm then he swallowed the teeny tiny pieces of the candy.

Chapter 5 Claw 3000’s menacing return. After the argument between doctor clown and Mecha Sonic 300. Doctor clown saw some very familiar old robot parts. Then doctor clown had a flashback on what happened the last time doctor clown used the robotic claw. Doctor clown had an idea. He threw away all the old parts that he used for claw 3000. Instead he’s using new parts for his creation. He was rebuilding claw 3000 only this time he’s going to be making this mean machine a lot stronger, meaner, nastier, and ten times as destructive then before. After one hundred hours later. Claw 3000 was ready for more action and more destruction. But doctor clown’s robotic creation wasn’t the only one. There was a new creation that doctor clown built. He built a bigger, meaner, and destructive war machine. He created Mega Mosquidroid. Mega Mosquidroid was a bigger, meaner, and twice as destructive version of its miniature counterparts. Claw 3000 and Mega Mosquidroid were prepared for any attacks. Then doctor clown said to claw 3000: “Welcome back, old friend.” After I defeated Drawkill Foxy. I saw doctor clown’s old robot. Then doctor clown said to claw 3000: “Hey claw 3000, since we’re back to being a team like old times, exterminate that pest!!” Then claw 3000 attacked. But I dodged its attacks. Suddenly uncle 0 arrived out of nowhere. He punched claw 3000 in the face. But uncle 0 wasn’t the only one. Fluffy and his friends also arrived to assist me in battle. Then uncle 0 yelled: “HEY, METAL BOY!! CATCH!!” Uncle 0 took out a grenade out of his left pocket. Then he threw the grenade at Claw 3000. But it dodged the grenade. Then doctor clown cackled maniacally: “You can’t beat my latest creations, we’re unstoppable!!” Then I asked: “There has to be a way to defeat these mechanical monsters!!” Suddenly Mega Mosquidroid and Claw 3000 attacked. But I threw my poison darts at Claw 3000 while uncle 0 fired his bazooka at Mega Mosquidroid. But the robotic insect was too quick for uncle 0’s rockets to attack. Then I threw multiple daggers at Claw 3000. Suddenly doctor clown took out a remote from his left pocket, he pressed the button. Suddenly claw 3000 vanished. Then I asked: “WHAT?!” Claw 3000 attacked me from behind. But claw 3000 wasn’t alone. Drawkill Foxy and his Drawkill minions attacked me as well. But I was too quick for them. Doctor clown became very annoyed. Then he sent in his entire clown army to attack. But I defeated all of them with my daggers and bare hands. But scratch used all of his attacks to destroy me. But I was too quick for him. I dodged all of his attacks then I attacked him from behind. Suddenly Mecha Sonic 300 sent in his entire robotic army to attack. But I dodged their lasers and missiles. Then I took out more daggers and I threw them at the robotic army. The robots were exploding. Then I asked menacingly: “Anyone else?!” Then Mecha Sonic 300 yelled: “YOU’RE GOING TO REGRET THAT TK!! I’LL BE BACK!! ROBOTS, RETREAT!!” Then all of Mecha Sonic 300’s forces ran back to their headquarters. Then I yelled: “GET BACK HERE, YOU COWARDS!!” Then uncle 0 yelled: “YEAH, COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT!!” After Mecha Sonic 300’s forces ran back to black horn’s fortress to marshal their military forces. Then fluffy said: “They’re gone, TK and uncle 0. The battle’s over, for now.” Then roller said: “We may have won the first time, but next time Mecha Sonic 300 will be back only he’ll have an even bigger, stronger, and overpowered robotic army that we have never faced.” Fluffy and his friends had a point. The battle was just the beginning. Mecha Sonic 300 will return only he’ll have an even bigger army then before. We need to train hard. And once Mecha Sonic 300’s forces return. We’ll be ready for round 2. But until then we’ll have to return to fluffy city to marshal our forces. Because if Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to return. We’ll be ready for his army.


Chapter 6 Sharpening weapons. The sky was still black as night. The thunder and lightning stopped for now. I was sharpening my dagger, while uncle 0 was sitting by the fire trying to keep himself warm. Fluffy and his friends were toasting marshmallows by the fire. Then I asked uncle 0: “So, uncle 0. When do you think Mecha Sonic 300 will return?” Then uncle 0 replied: “I don’t know, TK. I don’t know.” I was still sharpening my dagger. I was looking out into the horizon. Mecha Sonic 300’s forces didn’t arrive. They were at their campsite waiting and creating more warriors for Mecha Sonic 300. I was still sharpening my dagger. Then I asked uncle 0 for some more gold shards. He gave them to me. Then I sprinkled the gold onto my dagger. Then I sharpened it again. Finally uncle 0 said: “That’s a mighty fine dagger, you’ve got there TK.” Then I replied: “Thanks uncle 0.” Then uncle 0 asked: “Where did you get it from?” Then I replied: “Fluffy Master gave me this dagger.” I continued sprinkling more gold onto my dagger. Then I continued sharpening it. Then I accidently cut myself on the finger. Then I said: “Ouch.” Uncle 0 saw my finger. Blood was coming out of the wound. Then Diane said: “Here, let me put a band aid on the wound. She tied the band aid on my finger. Then she added a very sticky liquid on the band aid. It was glowing yellow. Then I asked: “What did you put on my finger?” Diane replied: “Wasp yoke.” Then I asked: “Wasp yoke?” Diane replied: “Yes, you see TK, when I was just a kitten I would go into the dark forest. My parents taught me how to grab wasp yoke from the trees. When I accidently had a bruise on my leg, she put the Band aid on my leg first and then she added this extremely sticky liquid on the Band aid. She collected the liquid from the wasps’ tree. The liquid didn’t hurt at all. It felt very relaxing and smooth like gold. And then my leg immediately felt better. The liquid didn’t sting me, it just felt smooth like a pearl.” Then fluffy said: “Uh, guys. I think we should probably keep moving.” Then roller asked: “Why fluffy?” Then fluffy replied: “Scratch’s posse will be here any minute now. We have to keep moving.” Then I agreed: “Good idea.” And so fluffy, uncle 0, and his friends and I continued moving. Because if scratch’s posse were coming to the dark forest then we’re done for. Then we ran from the dark forest. Then scratch arrived. Then scratch started sniffing the ground. Then he said: “TK and his friends were in the forest, alright.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 replied: “Excellent work, scratch. Now we can finally finish them off!!” But scratch and his entire posse were on the hunt. Scratch said: “TK and his friends were in the forest alright, I can smell them.” Then Mecha Sonic 300 said: “Lead us to TK, scratch. So my entire army can destroy him once and for all!!” Scratch replied: “As you wish, Mecha Sonic 300.” Scratch’s posse were approaching and they will complete their objectives. Mecha Sonic 300 came after me, uncle 0, fluffy, and his friends. Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to destroy me permanently. But I wasn’t going to let him destroy me so easily. Me and my friends ran further and further away from Mecha Sonic 300’s army. After I ran from Mecha Sonic 300’s army. Me and my friends ran further and further away from Mecha Sonic 300’s military force. Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to make Black horn proud of him. Mecha Sonic 300 wanted to destroy me because I was the once that defeated him once before. And he wanted to defeat uncle 0 and my other friends as well. I didn’t want Mecha Sonic 300 to destroy me and my friends with his entire robotic army. Black horn assigned him to destroy me and my friends so that black horn would be completely unstoppable. And after I’m out of the picture. Mecha Sonic 300 can finally become to ultimate warrior to rule the known galaxy.


Chapter 7 the final battle. After I escaped from the dark forest. I was ambushed by Mecha Sonic 300’s forces. They all wanted to destroy me because I defeated Mecha Sonic 300 in the past and now he wanted revenge. Then I took out a light saber out of my left pocket. Then Mecha Sonic 300 took out something from his left pocket. He took out a very familiar ruby. Then I realized that it was the phantom ruby. He put the phantom ruby on his chest. Then Mecha Sonic 300 transformed into a giant sized, purplish, mechanical monster once again. Only this time scratch and Mecha Overlord merged into one. They became Mecha Chronicle 500. Mecha Chronicle 500 was an unstoppable monster and he wanted to destroy me once and for all so he could finally take over the galaxy. Then me, uncle 0, fluffy, and his friends united as one in order to defeat Mecha Chronicle 500. Mecha Chronicle 500 said: “You may have defeated me in the past. NOW ITS TIME FOR A REMATCH!!” Then I transformed into the golden warrior. Then I fought against the giant mechanical monster. Then I yelled: “I DEFEATED YOU ONCE BEFORE, I CAN DO IT AGAIN!!” Then I charged at him full force. But Mecha Chronicle 500 was a lot stronger and faster than me.  There was no way I could defeat him. He was so powerful and destructive that I could never defeat him. Then Mecha Chronicle 500 roared in rage. Then I noticed the phantom ruby on Mecha Chronicle 500’s chest. Then I said to myself: “So that’s the item that he’s using to defeat me.” Then I fought against Mecha Chronicle 500. But he was way too strong for me to defeat. He was using all of the powers from the phantom ruby. He froze time. Then he punched me while I was frozen solid. I hit a building. Mecha Chronicle 500 was way more dangerous than any other monster I have ever faced. Then uncle 0 said: “So it’s a fusion of scratch the death wolf and Mecha Sonic 300. Time for me to join in on the action!!” Then all of my friends arrived to face the monster. Then destructor arrived. Then he yelled: “YOU AGAIN?! WELL TIME TO FINISH YOU OFF, YOU METAL MONSTER!!” Then destructor fired missiles at Mecha Chronicle 500 multiple times. Then I attacked Mecha Chronicle 500 in the face. But he was too strong for me to defeat. Then I fired missiles at him. But he was shielded on all sides. Then I asked: “Seriously destructor?! Whose side are you on?!” Then destructor replied: “Remember the promise I gave to you, we’ll always be enemies till the very end.” Then I asked: “Are you ready, destructor?!” Then destructor replied: “I’m always ready for a monster brawl!!” Then destructor’s pet Tyrannosaurus Rex arrived. Except the dinosaur can fire lasers out of his mouth. Then I yelled: “GIVE HIM ALL YOU’VE GOT!!” We all continued firing everything at the monster. We were firing missiles, lasers, cannonballs, energy spheres, etc. The monster was completely unstoppable. We fought against the monster for ages. The battle lasted for eons. Then destructor and uncle 0 yelled: “NOW, TK!!” Then I yelled: “OKAY!!” Then I transformed into a golden dragon to finish off the monster. Then I yelled: “YOU’RE REIGN OF METAL MONSTERS ARE OVER, MECHA CHRONICLE 500!! NOW ITS TIME FOR YOU TO BE DESTROYED!!” Then I unleashed the final blow. I was yelling: “I WILL PROTECT THIS WORLD!!” Suddenly Mecha Chronicle 500 roared. Then I entered his stomach. Suddenly I destroyed scratch and Mecha Chronicle 500. Then Mecha Chronicle 500 yelled: “NO!! NO!! NO!! NOOOOOOOOO!!” Then he exploded into millions of pieces. I won the battle. Mecha Sonic 300’s reign of robotic armies has finally come to an end. The End!! Or is it?!

Black horn chronicles 6 Mecha Sonic 300’s revenge
Uncle 0 vs. series brief history
E.X.E's Revenge Plot
Black horn file
태그 목록
빅토빌, 빅터빌, 빅토밸리, 빅터밸리, 하이데저트, 샌버나디노, 리버사이드, 캘리포니아, 애플밸리, 헤스페리아, 필랜, 필란, 필렌, 아델란토, 헬렌데일, 바스토, 피논힐스, 라이트우드, 루선밸리, 옥힐, 오로그란데, 교역자, 한인회, 부동산, 학군, school, hotel, 식당, restaurant, sushi, Victorvalley, Victo Valley, Seminary, Semitary, 구원, 복음, 생명, 천국, 사랑, 소망, 믿음, 장로교회, 선교교회, 연합교회, 목사회, 교회협의회, 신학교, 호텔, 경제, 정치, 남가주, 미주, 카운티, county, community, presbyterian church, Victorville, Apple Valley, Hesperia, Phelan, Adelanto, Helendale, Barstow, Pinon Hills, Wrightwood, Lucern Valley, Oak Hills, Oro Grande Korean American Church 한인 교회, 다민족 교회, 개혁 신학 생활 연구소, 한인 목회자 사역회 예수 마음 세계 선교회, SDT 선교회, 신속 정확 편리 정보 방송국, 예수마음 출판사, 한인 교회 연합, 예수마음 성경 대학, 예수마음 교회 그룹, 김성일목사, 김성일 목사, California, San Bernardino, Riverside, Gospel, Faith, Love, Life, pastor, Salvation, heaven, Mission, Southern California Nevada, Las Vegas, 라스베가스, 라스베이거스