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"A Cross Just for You"

Mark 8:34   "If anyone would come  after Me, he must deny  himself and take up
his cross and follow Me."

There is a  lovely legend which says  that Jesus and His father  had a sign in
front of  their carpenter shop  with this inscription:   "Our yokes  fit."  To
avoid being rubbed sore, it was important that the neck of the ox and the yoke
be perfectly fitted to each other.

There is  a lesson here for  us.  God perfectly  fits our crosses to  us.  The
cross of a  Christian is spoken of as his  or her cross.  No  one can bear our
cross for us.  Parents cannot  carry the crosses of their children, nor should
they  want to.   In  His wisdom  and love  God has  prepared  a cross  for His
children in keeping with their need.
Without that cross life would never be near God.

There is  sweet comfort  in knowing  this, especially  when our  cross becomes
heavy.  God never expects us to bear a strange cross.  He will give us a cross
neither too heavy nor  too light.  It will be so  perfectly fitted to our need
that it can belong to us only.

Now we can  be sure that crosses  that burdens us will become  wings that lift
us.   There will be  no unnecessary  tears.  The  love that delivered  us from
death will discipline us unto life.  That's God's way, and it's the best way.

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father,  help us to know that our  crosses are for our good.
Help us bear them in faith, through Jesus Christ.  Amen.

(Taken from "Words of Promise" copyright 1996 Concordia Publishing House.  For
more information on this and other devotional materials, call 1-800-325-3040.)

  • Never Be Moved? file
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    NEVER BE MOVED? Read Psalm 30:1-12 Two words are repeated seven times in Psalm 30--"you have." David is praising God for what He had done for him. Are you doing that today? Perhaps you've seen the plaque that says, "Prayer changes things," and that's true. I've also seen a plaque that says, "Praise changes things," and that also is true. It's amazing how our whole attitude and whole outlook can be transformed by praising God. In verse 6 David gives a testimony: "Now in my prosperity I said, 'I shall never be moved."' When we have prosperity without humility, it leads to adversity. Why? Because we start to be more concerned with things than we are with God. David said in his prosperity, "I shall never be moved." But then he found out that he could be moved. He found out that his prosperity ...

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