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빅토빌, 빅터빌, 빅토밸리, 빅터밸리, 하이데저트, 교회, 복음, 믿음, 소망, 사랑, 십자가, 목사, 김성일, 애플밸리, 헤스페리아, 히스페리아, 필랜, 필란, 필렌, 학교, 코로나, 코비드, 캘리포니아, 샌버나디노, 카운티, 산불, 폭염, 건강, 취업, 빅토벨리, 빅터벨리, 은행, 호텔, 모텔, 여행, 교단, 장로교회, 장로, 집사, 권사, 새신자, victorville, Hesperia, Apple Valley, Victor Valley, High Desert, Church, School, Covid, Corona, Virus, Pastor, Phelan, San Bernardino, County, Godspel, Korean Church, 한인교회, 한인, 영생, 구원, 부활, Adelanto, College, Youth, Group, Activity, Korean, 미국, 영광, 승리, 평화, 평강, 제일, 중앙, 예수, 마음, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Jesus Christ, Presbyterian Church

   "Well done,  good and faithful servant;  you have been faithful  over a few
things, I will make you ruler over many."  (Matthew 25:23)

  Before you  reach for  MORE of God's  blessing, remember, He's  watching you
with what  you already  have!   It's in  the day of  small beginnings  that He
teaches you patience  and consistency.  Here you develop  the ability to stand
up to the  pressures that accompany blessing.  Those  pressures are REAL.  The
things I've been through  have equipped me to handle what  I enjoy today.  Had
He given them to me sooner, they'd have destroyed me, but He loves us too much
to  let that  happen.    For example,  if  you're  having difficulty  handling
criticism from a  FEW people, how would you  do if God made you  a pastor or a
company president?
  The more you have, the more  you're responsible for!  People who have no car
need no petrol.  Everything God gives you requires maintenance.  God gave Adam
the  garden, but  he had  to  tend it.   Jesus  said, "No  man  builds without
counting the cost." (Lk 14:28)  Are you willing to pay the price?
  We want  things because they  look good in  someone else's life.  You want a
husband, but are  you really ready to start living  sacrificially?  You need a
wife; but  are you ready  to love  her?  "Give  yourself for her?"  (Eph 5:25)
Think about the price  of POSSESSING the blessings.  Then  ask God to help you
grow so you can  handle all He has prepared for you.   Now, there is something
worth praying about today.

FATHER's love
태그 목록
빅토빌, 빅터빌, 빅토밸리, 빅터밸리, 하이데저트, 샌버나디노, 리버사이드, 캘리포니아, 애플밸리, 헤스페리아, 필랜, 필란, 필렌, 아델란토, 헬렌데일, 바스토, 피논힐스, 라이트우드, 루선밸리, 옥힐, 오로그란데, 교역자, 한인회, 부동산, 학군, school, hotel, 식당, restaurant, sushi, Victorvalley, Victo Valley, Seminary, Semitary, 구원, 복음, 생명, 천국, 사랑, 소망, 믿음, 장로교회, 선교교회, 연합교회, 목사회, 교회협의회, 신학교, 호텔, 경제, 정치, 남가주, 미주, 카운티, county, community, presbyterian church, Victorville, Apple Valley, Hesperia, Phelan, Adelanto, Helendale, Barstow, Pinon Hills, Wrightwood, Lucern Valley, Oak Hills, Oro Grande Korean American Church 한인 교회, 다민족 교회, 개혁 신학 생활 연구소, 한인 목회자 사역회 예수 마음 세계 선교회, SDT 선교회, 신속 정확 편리 정보 방송국, 예수마음 출판사, 한인 교회 연합, 예수마음 성경 대학, 예수마음 교회 그룹, 김성일목사, 김성일 목사, California, San Bernardino, Riverside, Gospel, Faith, Love, Life, pastor, Salvation, heaven, Mission, Southern California Nevada, Las Vegas, 라스베가스, 라스베이거스